National coding week

September 19th -23rd was National Coding week across the UK and USA. The aim of National Coding week? To inspire people to learn code and other digital skills.

Across the country workshops, school lessons and special events were held to spread the love of code.

Children are part of a confident ‘Digital Generation’ having grown up with the internet, smart phones and coding classes. However, many adults have missed out on the digital revolution and feel left behind.

The aim of National Coding Week is to give adults the opportunity to learn some digital skills ” –


code week

As code is a large part of what we do here at Venn we decided to get on board with the event and take on a daily(ish) project for the week giving our social media followers an informative, definitive history of graphical rendering using code. When we say definitive, we mean barely passable.  When we say informative, we mean there are few, if any, facts in there. What you will find is some interesting experiments, some cool links and hopefully a few laughs.

Due to the daily grind rather than creating a new design each time we thought we’d play with our own branding. Over 4 days we we covered ASCII Art, Tables, CSS and the canvas, taking a day for each. If you missed it you can find it here.

Whilst we probably haven’t started many on the beginnings of a long lasting, loving journey with code – it was a great exercise for us to revisit some skills and have a little fun.

Keep your eyes peeled on our blog for a follow up from Zander, Joshua and Joe as they go into a little more depth on each of their contributions.





Venn Creative, 59-61 Killigrew Street, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 3PF

01326 377 105 | [email protected]